Will AI Robots stealing your job? Almost, but not quite – facts

AI Robots stealing your job

AI Robots are no longer fiction; they sit on shelves of warehouses, work as reporter bots and conduct surgical operations. However, not even before you think about being replaced with a AI Robots in your workplace.

Here’s the reality:

• AI will not destroy most jobs. Creative job, social skills and sympathy is still considered to be a part of humanity. People like doctors, teachers and artists are not replaceable with machines or robots.

• However, jobs will not disappear but transform. This will reduce boredom at work because it can do anything that the human was engaged in. Picture it as a robot that does monotonism work allowing you to enjoy your moment playing the game.

• New jobs will be created. As the artificial intelligence, tries to assume some of these functions setting up new sectors and professions for managing such machines. Consider AI trainers, robot ethicists and data security specialists.

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So, what should you do?

• Embrace lifelong learning. One is required to keep oneself abreast with the recent technologies and can upgrade hisher skills. With these new skills, you will be flexible to this evolving profession.

• Focus on your human strengths. Develop your creativity, problem-solving skills and speaking talents. These are the human characteristics that AI can never replicate but will only become more important with time.

• AI is scary, accept it. AI should be considered a chance to progress and improve productivity. Work with AI rather than against it.

AI is the big game, but it’s not a massacre of work; era. Also, by adapting and applying the required skills we will be able not only to survive this condition but also experience prosperity under intelligent technology.

Yet, remember that the implementation of robots does not signify leaving behind people but working with them.

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